Dragi prieteni și colegi ! Un nou proiect KA 210 a fost aprobat ! Titlul proiectului : From Digital to Nature Bugetul proiectului : 60000 € Liceul Tehnologic “Constantin Filipescu” Caracal, Romania 🇷🇴 Coordonator : Ionel Bădica Italya 🇮🇹, CATANIA – Coordinator, Türkiye -NAZILLI 🇹🇷, Romanya 🇷🇴-CARACAL A new KA219 project approved! Project title :…
Dear friends, I had a new virtual meeting with the Erasmus + KA229 project “Healthier together” coordinators. During the meeting, we had discussions on transport, accommodation and other related expenditure of the second teaching, learning and training activity with students in Nazilli, Turkey 🇹🇷 which will take part between 25-29th April 2022. France 🇨🇵, Turkey…
Virtual meeting with the coordinators of the Erasmus + KA229 project “Healthier together”. France 🇨🇵, Turkey 🇹🇷, Romania 🇷🇴, Croatia 🇭🇷, and Italy 🇮🇹. We discussed about the students and the teachers who will attend to the next meeting from Nazilli, Turkey 🇹🇷 and also about the accommodation, meals, cultural visits and transportation. We decided…
Dissemination of the first language, teaching and training activity with students in Torrent, Valencia, Spain 🇪🇸, of the Erasmus KA229 project “Breathe free”, within the French teaching Circle in the Caracal area, Romania 🇷🇴. Diseminarea primei activități de formare cu elevii din Torrent, Valencia,a proiectului Erasmus KA229 “Breathe free” “Breathe free” Spania în cadrul Cercului…
Virtual meeting with teachers and the students who will attend to the 1st LTT meeting in Armentière, Lille, France 🇨🇵 within the Erasmus + KA229 project “Healthier together”. France 🇨🇵, Turkey 🇹🇷, Romania 🇷🇴, Croatia 🇭🇷, and Italy 🇮🇹. We discussed about the students’ expectations at the meeting in France, as well as specific breakfast…
Erasmus + 2020-1-ES01-KA229-081886_3 Activity report following the training and learning meeting in Torrent,Spain 🇪🇸 04-07 October 2021 Beneficiary: “Constantin Filipescu” Technological High School Caracal ”Constantin Filipescu” Caracal Technological High School implements the KA229 Strategic Partnership entitled “Breathe free”. The project takes place between September 2020 and August 2022. Partners in this project are schools from:…
Dear friends, The virtual meeting of the Erasmus + KA229 “Healthier together” project took place today. On this occasion, the date of the first teaching, learning and training activity was chosen with the students from Lille, France 🇨🇵, several accommodation options for students and teachers were discussed, as well as the activities to be carried…
The virtual meeting with the coordinators of the Erasmus + KA229 project “Healthier together” took place today. During the meeting, we discussed the issues related to the evolution of the coronavirus pandemic, the vaccination of students and teachers in the partner countries, as well as the activities to be carried out during the first meeting…
On-line meeting with Romanian NA Short – term projects / Small – scale partnerships Proiecte de scurtă durată/Parteneriate la scară mică